How Phix Changed My Parents' Lives: A Testimonial from Deidre

An amazing and touching video testimonial abut the power of pHix on an elderly couple with bowel problems and dementia.


10/16/20241 min read

Bowel issues and dementia - incredible improvements

This is a touching and personal testimonial from Deidre. She order pHix for herself but on a whim, decided to sacrifice her order of pHix snaps that just arrived that day and get her ailing parents on it.

Deidre's mother has had serious, life-threatening bowel blockages and her father has dementia. And what incredible results. Her brother noticed the transition in both their parents and said “Whatever you have got them on, never stop giving it to them!”

PHix is so much more than just a powerful fat-burning supplement; it’s clear that this miracle healing herb helps to balance and restore the body so healing can occur.

For over 50 years this extraordinary product has been in the making, and now, we are fortunate to have it in our hands. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to share this journey with my family and recognise the potential Phix holds for many others facing similar challenges. The world deserves this magical herb, and I can’t help but spread the word about its remarkable benefits.

Enjoy's Deidre's 10 minute video about her parents and how pHix has been transformational for the entire family.